John Frum
Cargo cult is a unique phenomenon which appeared in Melanesia and Papua New Guinea in 20th century when europeans started to bring there western luxuries. Ships and planes were delivering cargo to american and english military bases. Locals were puzzled by the fact that these goodies were appearing out of nowhere without any effort from the white men. When westerners left, islanders started copying strange ceremonies of the guests, in hope that gods would bring them cargo again.
John Frum is one of the few remaining cargo cults. It is originated from Tanna island in republic of Vanuatu. The cult dates back to early thirties of the 20th century when a person who called himself John Frum appeared in Sulphur Bay and told people to abandon innovations brought by missionaries and return to their traditions. In return he promised to return with rewards. He named the date – 15th of February, but didn’t mention the year. For the last half a century the village that hosted the messiah has been celebrating this day, expecting John Frum to come back.